
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How is BUSH keeping the USA causality RATE so LOW in IRAQ?

Two Term George W. Bush has liberated 50 Million muslims from Tyranny and yet has done a great job protecting our all volunteer military (that just exceeded it%26#039;s 2006 recruitmtment goals) from mass casualties. Instead of the Great Liberator should we call him the Great Protector?

Civil War 562,000

World War 2 408,000

World War 1 58,000

Vietnam 58,000

Korean 54,000

Revolutionary 25,000

Mexican 13,000

Iraq War ......3,600 Fine young Conservative Patriots. America thanks them for their sacrafice to our Nation

I have to tell you, even with Bush bringing Honor %26amp; Dignity back to the White House after the Impeached Clinton and giving us this RED HOT economy with a VERY low 4.5% unemployment rate this might be his greatest accomplishment!

How is BUSH keeping the USA causality RATE so LOW in IRAQ?loans uk

A great man he will be in the history books.

As Lincoln, he ignored the propaganda and did what was right no matter the consequences.

no good deed goes un punished.

How is BUSH keeping the USA causality RATE so LOW in IRAQ?


SMOKIN HOT, the economy is SMOKIN HOT.

Come on!|||he finally fired rumsfeld|||The causality rate should be nonexistent since we shouldn%26#039;t be there in the first place.

Hey, how come you%26#039;re not there? I heard it%26#039;s nice this time of year.|||The media is a little biased when it comes to reporting these types of things.;)|||We don%26#039;t use suicide bombers. Actually, US is highly efficient at (wasting) eliminating the enemy and keeping it casualties to a minumum. Could you imagine if the invasion of Normandy happened today? The Libs would have cows!|||It%26#039;s called technology and advancement of weapons. Also, we aren%26#039;t fighting against another army, it is a totally different war than any we have ever seen. We have citizens blowing us up, and you are happy about that?

The dollar is worth much less than it has been in decades. That means absolutely horrible economy.|||Its interesting over 3000 American soldiers lives means nothing to you.I think their lives are more valuable than that.|||30,000 American casualties in Iraq.

The main thing that has prevented this war from creating %26gt;8,000 deaths so far is the advanced battlefield hospitals and quick medivac teams. That has kept the death rate among casualties to %26lt;10%, down from the 25% in Korea and Vietnam.|||Of course you will fail to post the figure for severely wounded.

Modern warfare kills fewer, but maims far more.

But PNAC and your buddies don%26#039;t want to know about the crippled, brain damaged, parapleges... they are going to be an expense you will have to account for later; either that or just ignore them, more your style. Better to sweep them under the rug, eh?|||Because he told Al Queada to target Shiite and Sunni%26#039;s distract them from the American soldiers.

BTW, over 30,000 casualties aren%26#039;t that low.

And, I wouldn%26#039;t be calling him great at anything.|||Increased intelligence and defense spending means better training and better technology for the troops.

Lower taxes pushes more taxpayers into the higher tax brackets and gives the government more business and personal profits to tax. It has also driven down employment as you mention and people are making more. This in turn funds the war with better trained soldiers and improved equipment that helps keep casualty rates so low.|||Hail Bush,,,I like the skinny,your in like flint,but like they said in planet of the apes,WHAT ABOUT THE FUTURE!!!!!,,,,,your numbers stop at 3,600....hail party leader Bush.long live the party.cheers ...freepress|||First it is not fair to say that casualties are all conservatives, this is plain arrogance and ignorance

Second... aren%26#039;t we sacrificing Iraqi civilians, who did not ask us into their country?|||Oh my have a lot to learn don%26#039;t you?|||AND WHAT ABOUT ALL THE DEAD IRAQIS????

300,000 DEAD IRAQIS!!!!

the horror. children dying as they watch their mother cry for help.

yeah bush is such a help. whatever. grow up.|||Your crazy. Clinton was impeached for lying on the stand about having an affair. The guy who led the prosecution just got caught carrying on an affair. He was quoted as saying Clinton was morally unfit to govern the public. This guy is a Senator. %26#039;Libby%26#039; lied on the stand about leaking info. about a private CIA agent. And is he getting nearly the sentence the ex-President did?

If you want to appear as if you have a brain, try to do a little research and learn about both sides of an argument. Good grief.

BTW, GWB has tripled the natl debt and, from what I%26#039;ve heard, the economy usually takes about 8 yrs to have an effect. From your picture, I guess you%26#039;ll live long enough to realize that for yourself.

Also, the wars you%26#039;re quoting happened when technology was far different. I am surprised at how different the amt of casualties are between WWI and WWII.|||I agree with laboh. Your question is racist. If you think that Arabs will not make you pay back for your crimes, think again. 9/11

Even if their was only one American soldier dead, he is human not a number. Imagine that he was your brother, do you want him to die for the lies of mass destruction weapons!|||I will tell you how it could be better and low US dead.

Drop the nuclear big day on the desert there and say good by to all Muslims and the few that might be left show them the bus to Paradise left already|||Actually He is keeping the casualty rate low whilst being at war with invading Iraq and occupying Iran%26#039;s western border and invading Afghanistan and occupying Iran%26#039;s eastern border the Iranian extremist government is about to feel an enormous political and economic squeeze.+

If we invaded Iran (the head of terrorist organizations) we would have lost tens of thousands of American lives. After freeing the PERSIAN (not Arab) people of Iran who have had extreme Islam crammed down their throats for over 30 years we would of had to deal with Saddam anyway. The Iranian people are vastly pro-western and their extremist government is just beginning to borrow from their social monies that support their vastly unemployed young adult pro-American population. Change is coming in the War on Terror. A tactic like this cannot be disclosed publicly. It would further embolden Ahmendinijhad. Iran was a Monarchy up until 1979 but they are a very proud, and deservedly so people. An invasion would rally them regardless of their leadership as history dictates.

Think about it Roughly 10,000 USA casualties VS tens of thousands. Once the head in Iran falls the river of monies flowing to terrorist like Al-Qaeda, Ham Mas, and Hezzbola will be reduced from a river to a trickle. The Syrians will fall right into place as a result and Democracy in Lebanon would finally be safe. The poor Palestinian peoples could finally get their statehood. Otherwise Iran could push through Iraq welcomed by Syria through Lebanon and all the way to the Israeli border under a nuclear umbrella.|||I am reposting this answer for a friend of mine since this PNAC deleted it (guess she couldn%26#039;t handle the truth). Anyway, thank for the email armypoetess, and here ya go;

This is the worst president ever are you kidding? Look at your statistics again for the number of Soldiers injured in conflicts and bump those numbers. Better yet, I have an idea - why don%26#039;t you deploy over there and tell us what a great guy gwb is. btw ~ sorry to bust your bubble, but most soldiers are not conservative..


OIF III %26amp; IV Veteran|||I think the credit for the remarkably low casualties goes to the military commanders.

Bush deserves credit for standing up to our enemies, restoring dignity to the office %26amp; for the economy. There is enough credit to go around.

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