
Saturday, October 31, 2009

How does the US Dept of Labor count unemployment?

When I have been unemployed, no govt worker asked me whether I was employed or not for purposes of counting or calculating an unemployment rate. How does the US Dept of Labor count the unemployment rate?

How does the US Dept of Labor count unemployment?loan officer

The Dept of Labor gets its numbers from people seeking unemployment payments (or registering for unemployment even if they don%26#039;t get payments).

There are more people not working than are actually counted (stay at home moms, kids too young to work, people too old), but for unemployment purposes we only care about those who are not working but want to be. The only logical way to do this is to set up some place where people who want to work but aren%26#039;t can come tell the government that -- and thus you get unemployment offices.

When you were unemployed you weren%26#039;t counted as such because you didn%26#039;t go tell the government you were (and wanted to be).

Side note: Not all economists believe that the way U.S. does things is correct. In a lot of European countries they count many who are unemployed but might not be looking (or even want work) in their numbers. Some think this is a much truer number for economic purposes. It also accounts for some (but not all) of the fact that Europe often as higher unemployment than the U.S.

How does the US Dept of Labor count unemployment?


They draw numbers, of course.

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