
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What causes the fluctuations in unemployment rates in India for these 5 years?

You have not given any idea of which 5 years you are interested in. In any case however, India%26#039;s official statistics about unemployment rate are neither reliable nor do they capture the entire working population. However, there are certain factors that have commonly affected unemployment and employment in recent years. The net impact of these positive and negative factors could have been fluctuating but no reliable recent and comprehensive estimates of unemlyment rate is really available. In view of the above I indicate some of the factors that increased unemployment and those that decresed/ increased employment.

1. High rae of growth of the services sector, especially, construction, banking, retailing, software services, transport, airlines,telecommunications, entertainment, insurance etc have had a cosistent positive factor in reducing unemployment rate by absorbng large number of employees.

2. Floods have caused considerable unemployment in certain ares for temporary periods.

3. Modernisation, upgradation of technology in many industries have led to suplus labor and consequent unemployment. Many industial companies are now absorbing fewer people and have been offerring voluntary retirement packages which were attractive for employees whiohave served the companies for long but were no longer productive and efficient ones.

4. Very high level of investments in new projects have absorbed large number of Indian labour. In fact in many sectors there is extremem shortage of skilled people in the country.

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